What does the Student Success Coordinator do?

What does the Student Success Coordinator do?

What does the Student Success Coordinator do?

Our Student Success Coordinator plays a vital role at Ashton College, especially in programs where practical experience is a significant component of learning. The key responsibilities typically include:

  1. Liaison Between Institutions and Students: They act as a bridge between educational institutions and students, helping to facilitate practical training opportunities. This involves identifying suitable practicum sites, coordinating placements, and ensuring these opportunities align with the curriculum's learning objectives.
  2. Placement Management: They oversee the placement of students in appropriate practicum sites. This includes matching students with opportunities that suit their educational needs and career aspirations.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation: They monitor the progress of students during their practicum, liaising with both the students and the site supervisors. They may also be responsible for evaluating the student’s performance and ensuring they meet the required competencies.
  4. Problem Resolution: They address any issues or conflicts that arise during the practicum, whether they are related to the student's performance, the suitability of the placement, or any other challenges.
  5. Documentation and Compliance: They maintain records of student placements and ensure that all practicum activities comply with institutional policies and accreditation requirements.
  6. Building Relationships: They establish and maintain relationships with various organizations and businesses to secure ongoing and new practicum opportunities for students.
  7. Guidance and Support: They provide guidance to students in selecting their practicum sites, preparing for their placement, and making the most of their practical experience.
  8. Curriculum Development: In some cases, they may contribute to the development of curriculum components related to practicum experiences, ensuring that the practical aspects of the program are robust and relevant.
  9. Professional Development: They may also be involved in organizing or facilitating professional development opportunities for students and site supervisors.
  10. Feedback and Improvement: They collect feedback from both students and practicum site supervisors to continuously improve the practicum experience and ensure it remains aligned with industry standards and educational goals.

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