Parsai, Al

Parsai, Al

Al Parsai is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC). He runs his successful business in downtown Toronto, Ontario with many employees. Al is the author of “88 Tips on Immigration to Canada.” He is a member of CICC (College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants) and CAPIC (Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants). Al has represented hundreds of applicants from more than 35 countries to the Canadian immigration authorities.

Al, who holds a Master's degree in Counselling Psychology, has extensive experience as an author, trainer, and public speaker. He has written ten books and hundreds of articles in the past 20 years. Al has also delivered many courses, workshops, and speeches in four different countries.

Immigration to Canada is Al Parsai’s passion. He deals with the immigration process daily. He represents hundreds of applicants to the federal and provincial immigration authorities at the same time. Al is proud of his profession and recommends it to anyone who wants to help others build a better life.

When it comes to training, Al truly believes in interactive education. He thinks a variety of training activities based on real-life events could help students explore issues from different angles and understand them thoroughly.

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