McFarlene, Kris

McFarlene, Kris

Kris McFarlane has a deep-seated passion for carpentry and education, nurtured over two decades in the trades. Holding the title of Interprovincial Red Seal Carpenter, he has quietly honed his craft to a fine art. Kris has always prioritized practical knowledge and the sharing of this expertise with others. Kris’s journey has also led him to the world of teaching, where his down-to-earth approach and commitment to genuine learning resonate deeply with his students. Beyond the workshop, he has contributed as an author, offering practical insights that reflect a profound understanding of carpentry. In every role, whether in front of a classroom or behind the scenes in the industrial sector, Kris’s efforts are guided by a simple yet powerful belief: the importance of building a strong foundation in trade skills for the next generation.

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