Bradford, Joëlle

Bradford, Joëlle

Dr. Joëlle Bradford is a Canadian trained naturopathic physician. She graduated from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver with a Bachelor of Science, specializing in clinical nutrition, followed by a pre-medical clinical internship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Quito, Ecuador. Joelle graduated from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster.

Joëlle lived in Hong Kong from 2012 where she practised at the Integrated Medicine Institute (IMI). She treated acute and chronic health conditions in adults, children and infants; identifying and addressing the root cause of the health concern. She also trained in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and was adept at identifying and addressing the underlying emotional component of illnesses, stress and mood issues.

Joëlle was the clinical supervisor for students from Australia’s Nature Care College and taught the students clinical charting, and supervised their patient visits and treatment plans.

Joëlle and her family relocated back to Canada earlier this year and settled in British Columbia. She is excited to have joined Ashton College and looks forward to assisting her students with compassionate understanding on their learning journey.

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