Insights from past students and experienced professionals

Insights from past students and experienced professionals

Thriving as an Educational Assistant: Practical Advice from a Fellow Professional

My name is Marie and I have been an educational assistant at various schools within the Fraser Valley of British Columbia since 2010.

As an educational assistant, you play a crucial role in supporting students and teachers in the learning environment. Drawing on my own experiences, I'd like to offer some practical advice to help you excel in this rewarding, yet sometimes challenging, profession.

The foundation of your success as an educational assistant lies in the relationships you build with students, teachers, and parents. Every student is unique. Take the time to understand their specific learning needs, preferences and challenges. The more you know the better you can support them. When it comes to the teachers you will work with you need to develop a strong, collaborative relationship. This keeps everyone aligned on educational goals and strategies.

Develop effective communication skills. Effective communication is key in your role. It's not just what you say, but how you say it. Whether you’re giving instructions to a student or discussing a student’s progress with a teacher, being clear and concise is vital. One skill that I continually practice is active listening. That means you are listening to understand, not just to respond. This shows respect and helps you understand the nuances of each situation.

As an educational assistant, you have the power to create a classroom atmosphere where all students feel valued and included. The students are watching you. Model respectful behaviour and encourage students to show empathy towards each other. Recognize the diversity of the classroom and honour each students’ diverse backgrounds. And you must address bullying and discrimination. The more proactive you are the better it will be. There should never be an occasion where you tell a student to ignore it. You would never allow that for yourself.

The field of education is always evolving. Staying informed and developing new skills is crucial. I attend as many professional development days as possible to stay current and I am involved with the Educational Assistants Society of BC for further support with other educational assistants. We share experiences, challenges and strategies. We learn from each other.

Manage your stress and maintain a work-life balance the best you can. As an educational assistant, you will often face high-pressure situations. Managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your well-being. I practice self-care. Every morning before I walk onto the school grounds, I check my behaviour and attitude. The students you work with don’t care what is going on in your life, so I have to make sure that I am ok to be around. When I leave school at the end of the day, if it has been a rough one, I may take the long way home or grab a coffee first. I have kids at home waiting for me and my attitude must be solid for them too. Know your limits and learn to say no respectfully when necessary. And don’t hesitate to ask for help to talk to someone if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

There are pros and cons to being an educational assistant. To be in this field, you must recognize the pros as often as possible and deal with the cons in a mature, respectful way. My instructor always told us that we are making a difference, one child at a time and remembering that helps me to keep my focus.

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