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Celebrating Canada’s 149th Birthday

By: Adam Bajan

Published On: June 30, 2016

Tomorrow is Canada Day. All across the country, Canadians new and old will gather together to celebrate being part of this great country. It will be a day of raucous celebration for some, and for others – a day of quiet reflection.

Canada Day

While Canada is still a comparatively young country – confederation only occurred in 1867 – it is held in immensely high regard on the world stage. Whether punching well above its weight in wartime, drawing a line in the sand on controversial political issues, or being a haven for the oppressed and the impoverished, Canada is perhaps best defined by the indefinable: that which makes us Canadians is perhaps best understood by what we are not. To quote a classic and patriotic television advertisement from some time ago:

“I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation. I am Canadian.”

At Ashton College, we’re about more than just education

We are about opportunity and reaching your fullest potential. While many of our students are Canadian born, many others are new and recent immigrants who have made the journey to Vancouver from all corners of the globe. They come seeking not only new opportunities, but more importantly, new careers. By providing students with a real-world education we ensure that your success is linked to your potential. Because within all of us is the potential to strive, to succeed, and to grow together.

Canadian culture is at its best a close knit fabric of multiculturalism, an interconnected web of multiple cultures, multiple languages and distinct, yet co-existing cultural identities.

To be Canadian is to be a part of this fabric, to add your individual voice to it. Our student body reflects this, and over the years the Ashton student experience has defined itself by mirroring this fabric of Canadian culture. A look into our classrooms reveals a melting pot of different individuals, united in a common cause: to succeed in their education and to succeed in their careers.


On July the 1st as we celebrate Canada Day, take a moment to reflect on what it means to you. Whether you are an Ashton student, a faculty member or an administrator, know that you are part of the greatest country on earth, a country in which freedom and opportunity come hand in hand and where each of us has the potential to be the best that we can be.

Join us in celebrating what it means to be a Canadian. Join us in celebrating being together. Join us in celebrating turning potential into opportunity and opportunity into success.



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